Corporación Fin del Mundo


At the End of the World, you can enjoy ecological trails, pools of transparent waters and amazing waterfalls surrounded by a beautiful natural forest.

Recorders location

At the End of the World we installed two recorders.


Acoustic landscape

Link to Arbimon

Species Recorded Acoustically

Scientific Name Link to Arbimon
Pulsatrix melanota Canto
Leontocebus fuscus Canto
Trogon viridis Canto
Saltator coerulescens Canto
Tangara schrankii Canto
Capito auratus Canto
Cyanocorax violaceus Canto
Pulsatrix melanota Canto
Cephalopterus ornatus Canto
Saltator maximus Canto
Saltator maximus Canto
Legatus leucophaius Canto
Patagioenas plumbea Canto
Ramphastos vitellinus Canto

Total list of species inListado de especies en eBird

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