El Manzanal Natural Reserve


In the Manzanal Nature Reserve you can find many bird species very close to Popayan.

Recorders location

In the Manzanal we deployed three recorders.


Acoustic Sondscape

Link to Arbimon

Species Recorded Acoustically

Scientific Name Link to Arbimon
Anisognathus somptuosus Sound
Aulacorhynchus haematopygus Sound
Basileuterus tristriatus Sound
Chlorophonia cyanocephala Sound
Colaptes rubiginosus Sound
Cranioleuca erythrops Sound
Dendrocincla fuliginosa Sound
Henicorhina leucophrys Sound
Icterus chrysater Sound
Melanerpes formicivorus Sound
Myadestes ralloides Sound
Myiarchus cephalotes Sound
Myiarchus tuberculifer Sound
Myioborus miniatus Sound
Myiodynastes chrysocephalus Sound
Nyctibius griseus Sound
Pheugopedius mystacalis Sound
Piaya cayana Sound
Pipraeidea melanonota Sound
Piranga rubra Sound
Rupornis magnirostris Sound
Setophaga pitiayumi Sound
Stilpnia heinei Sound
Synallaxis albescens Sound
Tangara vitriolina Sound
Zimmerius chryzops Sound
Zonotrichia capensis Sound

Total list of species inListado de especies en eBird

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