Where the Sun Hides, is located in the municipality of Villagarzón in the heart of Putumayo, very close to the Amazon foothills and Amazon plains.
Recorders location
Thanks to the Ecotourism Center Where the Sun is Hidden and the Operator Agency Where the Sun is Hidden, five recorders were installed.
<Acoustic Landscape
Species Recorded Acoustically
Scientific Name | Link to Arbimon |
Attila spadiceus | Sound |
Baryphthengus martii | Sound |
Caciccus cela | Sound |
Campephilus melanoleucus | Sound |
Capito auratus | Sound |
Celeus flavus | Sound |
Coereba flaveola | Sound |
Crypturellus cinereus | Sound |
Cyanocorax violaceus | Sound |
Euphonia minuta | Sound |
Euphonia rufiventris | Sound |
Glaucidium brasilianum | Sound |
Leontocebus fuscus | Sound |
Megarynchus pitangus | Sound |
Megascops watsonii | Sound |
Microcerculus marginatus | Sound |
Myiarchus tuberculifer | Sound |
Myiarchus tuverculifer | Sound |
Ortalis guttata | Sound |
Patagioenas plumbea | Sound |
Penelope jacquacu | Sound |
Piaya cayana | Sound |
Pionus menstrus | Sound |
Psarocolius angustifrons | Sound |
Psarocolius viridis | Sound |
Pteroglossus castanotis | Sound |
Pulsatrix melanota | Sound |
Pithys albifrons | Sound |
Querula purpurata | Sound |
Ramphastos tucanus | Sound |
Ramphocaenus melanurus | Sound |
Ramphocelus carbo | Sound |
Rupornis magnirostris | Sound |
Saimiri cassiquiarensis | Sound |
Tolmomyias sulphurescens | Sound |
Trogon melanurus | Sound |
Trogon rufus | Sound |
Trogon viridis | Sound |
Tinamus major | Sound |
Tyrannulus elatus | Sound |